Vale da Rosa
Vale da Rosa
GPS track – Walking-in-Algarve – Loulé (LLE PR8)
5.6 mi. Moderate 106m Vale da Rosa bus stop
Vale da Rosa walk (LLE PR8) is a 6 mile GPS roundtrip by the Loulé municipality. We have not walked this track ourselves and cannot offer a personal impression. The GPS track and PDF file, provided by the municipality, can be downloaded here.
This roundtrip was plotted just north of the village of Salir. The track does not have extreme hight differences and it is not very long either, thus we judge it to be an averagely difficult walk. The track is partly shaded so it can also be walked on a sunny day. Take a picknick lunch because there are no restaurants or café ´s on the way.
Form an ecological viewpoint, this walk runs through a very interesting area. The vegetation is varied, in spite of the fact that impressive cork oaks and holm oaks dominate the scenery. This flora is alternated with pine trees, eucalyptus trees and of course all kinds of herbs (rosemary, thyme) and (edible) cystus roses. Along the rivers, the local farmers have their horta ´s or smaal vegetable gardens.
Along these same rivers, it is possible to spot a variety of birds. From “simple” blackbirds and robins, to partridges and even kingfishers for the lucky spotter. Mammals like wild boar, hare, rabbit and fox come and drink here and of course reptiles and amphibians live here. Vale da Rosa walk leads you through the hills that still honour the traditional way of Portuguese farming life. Along the Barrancos dos Caminhos, this hard life in the beautiful Serra do Caldeirão hills is especially clear. Historical water tangs, sluices and wells still show the efficient water network that kept the population alive for ages.
Museum and well
On the Macheira hill there’s a small museum. The owner and also composer of the collection, exhibits a range of items, typical for this area. It is also possible to visit the Macheira well, that was built in schist rock and recovered in the ´40s of the last century and restored to former glory.