Vale do Alportel
Vale de Alportel
GPS track – Walking-in-Algarve – São Brás de Alportel (SBA PR4)
8.9 mi. Moderate 101m Alportel
Vale de Alportel walk (SBA PR4) is an almost nine mile long, medium difficult circular walk, designed by the municipality off São Brás de Alportel. We have not walked this route ourselves so we cannot offer information from personal experience.
The English language PDF information file and the GPStrack can be downloaded on this page.
Vale de Alportel walk (SBA PR5)
SBA PR5 is an almost 9 mile, medium difficult circular walk, designed by the municipality of São Brás de Alportel. It consists of three different tracks, being a complete circular walk with two smaller walking routes embedded. The long route is optically little strenuous. However although the maximum height is 102 meters only, you will have to ascend and descend a total of 629 meters.
In the northwestern part and in the southeastern part of this track two shorter routes are plotted. The Alcaria track of 4 mile and the Várzea de Cova track of almost 5 mile. Together they are the Vale de Alportel walking routes. Hiking trails SBA PR5, PR5a (Trilho de Alcaria) and PR5b (Trilho Varzea da Cova) are all plotted in the area around the village of Alportel and the routes offer both mountainous area and in contrast, also lovely farmland. The tracks are full of contrasts.
Rural Algarve
In the cultural landscape, each quinta (small farm) has its own well with the typical wheel with bins to get the water from the depths of the pit. From this cultural country you walk, seemingly without warning, into the mountain landscape. Cork oaks, holm oaks and eucalyptus dominate the land. The river valley of the Alportel brings pure nature when you walk past rustling reed beds from which buntings, bullfinches, blackbirds and bluethroats sing to the passing walkers.
Trilho da Alcaria
Trilho da Alcaria, a 4 mile circular track, is part of the Vale de Alportel route but can certainly also be walked independently. This hike really goes through valleys and mountains where hardly anyone lives. In the attached PDF it is clear where this part of the route is plotted. The GPX track can be downloaded separately.
Trilho da Várzea da Cova
This trail is slightly longer; almost 5 mile. The walk passes through an area that is more densely populated and therefore more cultivated. Here you see the traditional Portuguese architecture (pay attention to the typical chimneys!) and the way the farming population lives today. In the attached PDF it is clear where this part of the route is plotted. The GPX can be downloaded separately.